Custom Aircraft Builders

Custom Aircraft Builders

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Check Out Our Latest Videos

Doug Goodrich of Custom Aircraft Builders provides an update and an overview of the Sling High Wing, the modern Cessna 182, including a comparison to the Van’s RV-15, accessibility, interior space, and performance. 

Sling TSi “First Flight” Episode 5. Check out our new rivet gun… the Rivet King RK8000S from We let you know how it works in a later video.

Watch Doug Goodrich of Custom Aircraft Builders as he builds his Sling TSi nicknamed “First Flight.” 
Be sure to follow the Custom Aircraft Builders/Goodrich Aviation YouTube channel to see the latest in the First Flight build series.

Sling Models

Sling TSi

High Wing

Sling 2

Van's Models


Fly high tech. Fly the plane of the next generation. 

Fly the smooth-handling and economical Sling Aircraft.

Custom Aircraft Builders is proud to represent Sling Aircraft as a Dealer and Build Center. All Sling kits are manufactured at Sling Aircraft’s factory near Johannesburg, South Africa. Sling Aircraft has been designing and building aircraft since 2005. Ready for a new Sling? At Custom Aircraft Builders, you can buy it here and build it here. Contact us today! Call Doug Goodrich at 607-821-2982 or email at

If you'd rather buy a fully built Sling...

See available Slings here

Want the best options for your build?

Stay cool in your Sling with

XCOOL Sling Air Conditioning

Not a builder?

We make getting a Sling easy!

* If you have issues receiving the Build Budget, contact Doug Goodrich to get your copy. 

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