Custom Aircraft Builders
Custom Aircraft Builders
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Check Out Our Latest Videos
Doug Goodrich of Custom Aircraft Builders provides an update and an overview of the Sling High Wing, the modern Cessna 182, including a comparison to the Van’s RV-15, accessibility, interior space, and performance.
Sling TSi “First Flight” Episode 5. Check out our new rivet gun… the Rivet King RK8000S from We let you know how it works in a later video.
Watch Doug Goodrich of Custom Aircraft Builders as he builds his Sling TSi nicknamed “First Flight.”
Be sure to follow the Custom Aircraft Builders/Goodrich Aviation YouTube channel to see the latest in the First Flight build series.
Be sure to follow the Custom Aircraft Builders/Goodrich Aviation YouTube channel to see the latest in the First Flight build series.
Sling Models
Van's Models
Fly high tech. Fly the plane of the next generation.
Fly the smooth-handling and economical Sling Aircraft.

Custom Aircraft Builders is proud to represent Sling Aircraft as a Dealer and Build Center. All Sling kits are manufactured at Sling Aircraft’s factory near Johannesburg, South Africa. Sling Aircraft has been designing and building aircraft since 2005.
Ready for a new Sling? At Custom Aircraft Builders, you can buy it here and build it here. Contact us today!
Call Doug Goodrich at 607-821-2982 or email at

Rotax Factory Trained Technicians
Rotax Engine Installations & Maintenance
New Engine Sales